follow me:

"it's not my head that's broken, it's my heart"

< jedna má báseň z loňského léta 7|7|2013 - nějak jsem si na ni vzpomněla >

Hovno léto s tebou ..
.. co na to říct:
"It's not the way I want it
and this is fucking hard!"
Nebudu ti lhát:
"It's not my head that's broken, 
it's my heart."
< a jedna, napsaná skoro přesně o tři měsíce dřív: 8|4|2013 >

I found my boy

It was unusual evening, no stars in the sky, but anyway I saw one. An extraordinary one. The shooting star.  
Falling down, jumpimg for joy...
I found a boy.
The night was dark, the moon was hidden, but still he did't
fall for my secret plan...
I found a man.